Audits IQ
In the most basic words, the auditing process ensures that the assets are all complete. Usually, an auditor is hired to complete this technically competent, integrable, independent, and ethically equipped process. Workplace inspection is the traditional way to commit these duties. Be that as it may, the auditing procedure can be both tiring and taxing.
Audits IQ is the solution to the drawbacks of traditional auditing and inspections. Users can complete every inspection process in the palm of their hand without jotting down notes. Audits IQ uses a simple questionnaire to perform the task of rating duties in a company with a simple scoring system. The user can iterate the criteria for the scoring system and the procedure through the system with guidelines for each step.
AuditsIQ turns the inspection method into a digital process that uses a custom template to perform inspections. These templates are pre-defined and can be used multiple times. Each template may contain a particular format and a scoring system devised by the user.
The user can set schedules for the inspections where they will assign them and set deadlines and sites for the assessments, which will be notified through an email. Multiple locations can use the same schedule. The inspection includes several conditional action-oriented questions and checklists that can either be triggered through a sensor or manual observation. The questions are usually simple multiple-choice with the option of adding conditions for a particular response. “Follow-up” can be initiated to rectify any problem raised during inspections. The user can assign the created “follow-up” to any team member with a well-defined priority and completion deadline. Media-based attachments can also be added to specific questions as proof of authenticity and integrity of the procedure.
Incident reporting is another compelling feature; team members or even anyone out of the league, for that matter, can register incidents. These incidents will be forwarded to the system, where they will be assigned to a specific authority that will deal with these incidents. Features like media attachments and two-way commenting increase the clarity within the team and enhance the overall efficiency of resolving incidents.
Sensors can be deployed by the client or requested from “N-Sight Techno Corp” for deployment. The readings from the sensors will be recorded and uploaded to the cloud and an interactive user dashboard will be used to display all the data collected by the sensor. Any unusual reading from the sensors can initiate inspection accordingly. The connectivity will ensure that any change will be detected and forwarded to the system.
“Watches” is another vital and powerful feature of AuditsIQ. Team leads can intimate members about any upcoming event, training, or even policy change. Descriptive instructions, media attachments, two-way commenting and “acknowledgment” can be incorporated to use the feature to its fullest.
Keep track of all the records through an analytics option which will be fed with the information in real-time, and coherently make your decisions. The analytics will display in-depth reports of all the inspections, the scores, the flagged items, the follow-ups, the incidents, the sensors, and the watches. This information will be presented in the form of graphs and charts that will explain the flow of the progress.
Overall, AuditsIQ lets you eliminate paper forms, capture digital signatures, and allocate standardized and dynamic checklists with pre-defined actions. Schedule, assign, and run Audits Easily – Anywhere.
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